Logan College of Chiropractic/University Programs in Chesterfield, Mo.
Established in 1935, Logan has about 950 students, representing most states and several foreign countries,
at its 112-acre campus in Chesterfield, Mo., a western suburb of St. Louis, and is one of the largest chiropractic universities in North America. Logan University offers Master of Science degrees in Sports Science and Rehabilitation, and Nutrition and Human Performance and undergraduate degrees in Human Biology and Life Science with an Accelerated Science Program (ASP) option to complete prerequisite coursework at an accelerated pace.
Logan’s campus also houses the state-of-the-art BIOFREEZE® Sports & Rehabilitation Center, which is specifically designed to treat athletic injuries. The college provides health and wellness care for patients in the St. Louis metropolitan area through seven local health centers in St. Louis, St. Louis County and St. Charles County.
Keywords: chiropractic, health and wellness, chiropractic education, sports rehabilitation, sports rehab, sports chiropractic, chiropractic rehab, chiropractic rehabilitation, masters sports rehab, masters nutrition, master of science, chiropractic college, chiropractic university, master of science in nutrition, master of science in sports rehabilitation, bachelor of science, ASP, chiropractic health, chiropractor, doctor of chiropractic, chiropractic science, chiropractic technique